Giving Tuesday . . . A Big Box Giveaway


“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.”–Dale Evans Rogers

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It’s no secret, following close behind words of affirmation, giving gifts is my love language.

I often think of those who may not have someone shopping for them during this season. Maybe it is a single mom who is scraping together enough to buy her children a little something that will never compete with the other parent’s gift giving ability. Her children are small, her friends are few, her parent’s gone or estranged, and there is no Christmas magic waiting for her beneath the tree.

I think of the married mom who manages the budget. She tells her husband there is nothing extra for him to shop for her. She still squeezes out enough to surprise him, but she sacrifices to keep the bills paid and not to add debt to their already difficult finances. (This is me!)

Or the woman whose husband is just a little clueless. No matter how she hints she’d like something else, a small kitchen appliance or, even worse, a Victoria’s Secret bag appears beneath the tree.

Maybe it is a single woman with no husband or children spending the day far from family because it is too expensive to travel or she must work. She wakes Christmas morning alone with maybe a few gifts mailed from home.

If you are a guy reading this maybe you have no idea how to pull together a surprise Christmas for your wife or girlfriend, and you could be the hero this year!

I want you to think of someone in your life who could use a Christmas surprise.

For Giving Tuesday I am mailing a box of some of my favorite things to you or a friend you nominate. Included is a beautiful milk glass vase from BHLDN. There is a grown up coloring book and a set of metallic coloring pens I loved so much when my friend Sarah sent them to me I ordered another set off Amazon just for this giveaway. There is a Smash book and extras along with a copy of my favorite magazine, Darling. If you can bear to cut it up after you enjoy it, this magazine is perfect for collaging in your Smash book. (I will have a post in January about collage as art. If you’ve never done it you must.) There is my favorite mint EOS lip balm and cuddly “Life is Good” socks. There is a Kelly Rae Roberts photo album and cloth banner. There are a few more goodies not pictured so they remain true surprises. Also not pictured is a special piece of my own Kelly Rae Roberts art. I will give you a peek tomorrow.

To enter:

1. Comment on this post by nominating someone you would love this package to go to. Share a little bit about why they would be so thrilled to receive a box of love. Just using their first name is fine. If your nomination is chosen I will contact you for their address.

2. Share this giveaway with your friends in hopes they will nominate you!

3. If you already know you are probably getting a small appliance go ahead and nominate yourself!

This is my last giveaway this year. The winner is chosen with a nifty random app and will be chosen midnight Friday so I can get this box in the mail. Let’s have some fun!


. . . Added today as promised, the beautiful and very meaningful piece of Kelly Rae Roberts art that will be included in my Big box giveaway. When Danica had surgery she called me mama bird, and I called her baby bird. God called us both to be fearless in many things. I love reading the comments so far! Share with your friends. This giveaway is open until Friday at midnight.

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16 Comments on Giving Tuesday . . . A Big Box Giveaway

  1. Tammy Robinson (Evans)
    December 2, 2014 at 11:13 am (10 years ago)

    Monica – first I’d like to say that your site and your writings are AMAZING!! I’d like to nominate my friend, Kathy for this gift. She had surgery on 10/22 but had numerous complications which resulted in additional surgery. Because of the complications and set backs, her job is in jeopardy as well as her health. She is extremely depressed and feels so alone and separated from “life” and from God. She is just trying to find a reason to hold on to life. Thank you for your consideration. Love you. (PS. I hope this is where I was suppose to post my comment in order to be entered).

  2. Cindee Snider Re
    December 2, 2014 at 11:14 am (10 years ago)

    I would love to bless my friend Carolyn with a beautiful gift this year. She is selflessly, sacrificially raising seven grandchildren from a deeply broken background on a very limited income. She gives of herself however and wherever she can, and this year, I would love to surprise her and remind her of how precious she is to our Heavenly Father — treasured, sacred, loved, redeemed.

    You have an incredible heart, Monica, and I am so blessed to know you.

  3. Rochelle
    December 2, 2014 at 11:53 am (10 years ago)

    I would like to nominate Pam Looney! She is a dear lady from our church who lost her son, just a few months ago. He was adopted at birth, and had severe CP! She dedicated the past 15 years, day and night caring for him, often with no sleep and sacrificing so much! Their daughter left for college only weeks after he passed away, so they are left with an empty nest! I know this season will be a particularly difficult time for her!

  4. Becky Leung
    December 2, 2014 at 6:36 pm (10 years ago)

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to nominate my dear friend Katie Haynes. Words cannot describe how much I love and care for this dear lady. Her strength through her many trials she has gone through has been something that encourages me everyday. She has a heart for others even through her own trials. Random cards and gifts in the mail shows me just how much she cares. Katie is someone that I can talk as if she were my sister. She truly cares…….and even when she’s not well herself, you can always know that she loves you and prays for you. She’s one of my heros.

    • Monica
      December 2, 2014 at 8:39 pm (10 years ago)

      This makes me smile. I love these nominations and Becky, I can’t think of anyone more deserving either. I wish I could send a box to each person. The good thing is my blog is small so there’s not too much competition in the random name picker! Love you!

  5. Suzanne HOllon
    December 2, 2014 at 9:23 pm (10 years ago)

    Monica…you are lovely to do these give aways, always reminding me to be more generous. You teach me that all the time.

    I would like to nominate my friend Dalia Soza. Dalia is a pastor/professor’s wife and mother of two children. She is a bright spot in everyone’s day and is a strong christian witness to me as well. Three years ago, Dalia became concerned over the care her mother was getting. Her mom had early onset of Alzheimer’s while in her fifties and no longer had the ability to care for herself. Dalia and her family brought her mother to live with them and she has cared personally for her mother as she has deteriorated right before her eyes. It has been taxing on her beyond measure but Dalia, through her faith, found joy in being with her mother. It gets harder daily as her mother can no longer walk or take care of herself in anyway and they are in the end stages now. It is such a hard disease as her mother is just a shell of a person now and no longer her true self. Dalia manages to keep a part time job at her local library and still pastors those around her. She inspires me beyond measure and truly deserves a pick me up and would LOVE your big beautiful box!!

  6. Laura
    December 2, 2014 at 10:09 pm (10 years ago)

    I would love to nominate my friend Krysten. Tonight we were together for a kids class, and she was updating me on her week. She proceeded to share devasting news, all I could say was I am so sorry, and expressed how my heart was overwhelmed for them. She simply stated that she was choosing to see the good in the situation by finding what she was thankful for, and focusing on how the situation could of been worse. She also shared with me how she chose to believe God was in control and His hand was over them. I was impressed by her courage in the moment, and her absolute trust in God. I would of found several reasons to cry and/ or complain, but she chose gratitude in the midst or hurt. I would love to bless her with a package to simply encourage her in the days to come!

  7. Cristen
    December 3, 2014 at 5:15 pm (10 years ago)

    This is amazing!! I nominate my sweet friend Laura, who has just recently entered the world of a special needs mom quite unexpectedly.

  8. Emily
    December 3, 2014 at 7:24 pm (10 years ago)

    This is such a special idea, I love it, and all that you do Monica! I would like to nominate a very close friend of mine, named Katie. She is an amazing woman of God who has been through way WAY more than anyone should ever have to go through in their life. Through it all, her attitude and encouragement to others remains steadfast and amazing. She is STRONG. She isn’t very close to any family, and for her to receive a Christmas package during this season would be truly special I think.

  9. Melissa flounders
    December 4, 2014 at 12:34 am (10 years ago)

    I would like to nominate my daughter Lauren. She is recreating her life little by little and is sober six months in December. I am extremely proud of her hard work and she would be so amazed to be shown the love of Christ in such a manner as this. My hope is by her experiencing love in this way, God may open her eyes to His saving grace through this act of kindness. She just moved into her own place, works two jobs to make ends meet and has very little to decorate with. This amazing picture has beautiful meaning and I believe she will experience Love in a whole new way because of your heart for The Lord!!Thank you Monica for your beautiful reflection of Christ!! What a great way to share kindness! Love u friend!

  10. Jan Cutter
    December 4, 2014 at 8:17 am (10 years ago)

    I would love to nominate Karen Kemp. She is sweetness personified. No one would ever know the physical pain and daily personal difficulties she faces because she keeps them to herself; she doesn’t focus on herself but on everyone around her. She sees the beauty in everything and has taught me how to “trust in the Lord with all my heart”. She is an amazing witness to all who know her but does it with such softness and love that you feel like you are being wrapped in a warm blanket. Just being around her is good for the soul.

  11. Jillian
    December 4, 2014 at 10:53 am (10 years ago)

    I would give this to my sweet friend, Laurie. After living in Bolivia for 9 months and working in an orphanage there, she now works as an in-home nurse and serves at Lighthouse Ministries in Canton. She also coordinates outreach programs for her church. Her husband, Justin, is currently completing his doctoral residency and she is pregnant with their first child, due in February. This winter and spring may be hard for her as she spends a lot of time away from Justin and enters into motherhood. I don’t want her to lose her whimsy and creativity and sense of beauty and joy as she faces this new and exciting but difficult season. She is a dreamer and creator and delights in small things that remind her of God’s goodness and faithfulness. This package would truly be perfect for her!

  12. Jamie
    December 4, 2014 at 11:17 am (10 years ago)

    I’d like to nominate my friend, Jennie. Jennie, like us, has EDS and all of its comorbidities. She will be traveling to New York next week for surgery with Dr. Bolognese. Jennie has two beautiful daughters who have a long list of complications, themselves. Each was born extremely premature and fought for their lives. One daughter still has to fight with multiple disorders, airway complications that require terrifying surgeries, regular visits to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, constant nursing care, equipment, oxygen therapy…the list goes on and on. Over the past year Jennie has lost her job due to illness, fought this EDS battle, made those long trips out of state for care, and cared for her daughters, putting them at the top of her list. She still manages to be kind, thoughtful, a great friend and a great person, a true warrior. Her strength always amazes me.

    • Jan Cutter
      December 6, 2014 at 9:39 am (10 years ago)

      I would like to nominate my daughter Heather. She suffers from Neurofibromatosis as well as Interstitial Cystitis, in addition to various hormonal issues. In the past she has worked with MRDD adults as a teacher. She left that job to become a full time college student, and will finish her Bachelor’s at Malone. She worked with the Boys and Girls club until government funding ran out and she lost her job. While working with both groups she always went the extra mile, providing snacks for hungry kids who couldn’t focus on doing homework because their stomachs were empty. Providing special lunches for MRDD, and Christmas and Birthday parties, all while they were on food stamps. After leaving her job for DD, her clients still email, call, and text her. Her husband hasn’t been able to work for over 2 years due to a bad car accident. She has such a giving heart and such empathy for others. She is always reaching out to help even when she doesn’t have the resources to. Monica, it’s not so much about being the recipient of this very generous gift but the opportunity to share my amazing daughter. Thanks so much.

  13. Rena Brown
    December 5, 2014 at 11:43 pm (10 years ago)

    I would like to nominate my friend Angie! Out of all of my friends from college she is always the happy one, smiling even when she is mad! It’s something she can’t help! Her love for Jesus just bubbles over all day no matter what is going on. This past year has been VERY hard. Her niece (15) was diagnosed with a very rare caner with 5% chance of survival… She is not well and can no longer treat the cancer. Angie’s heart is hurt, being 2+ hours away from her niece and family. Her mom also just had surgery for stage one breast cancer… I don’t hear as much bubble in her voice, and I know she needs this to be the bubble of joy she has always been in my life and SO many others!!!!

  14. Monica
    December 6, 2014 at 11:46 am (10 years ago)

    Thank you all for sharing these beautiful nominations. I will be praying for each woman you mentioned in their particular struggle. I wish I could mail each of them a package! I’d encourage you to at the very least write them a note and share what you did here. I know first hand how encouraging it can be to receive this kind of affirmation and love when you are in a difficult and lonely place. Laura, your name was randomly chosen! Please email me at with Krysten’s information, and I will get this box in the mail to her!


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